If you wish to know, I have been married to the same girl for 40 years and have four brilliant children.  I passed the Mensa entrance exam with an IQ of 151. Qualified as teacher and highly qualified Project Manager.  If my name is familiar,  I was a regular contributor to Terry Wogan’s BBC drive time radio show. I’ve had comedy broadcast on radio in UK and Canada and TV in Germany.  There is a RobinGoodfellow Lane in March, Cambridgeshire.  Oh, and I have Heterochromia  (My eyes are different colours)

Over time I was involved with a few music projects, some best forgotten. However, there was one song that everybody who heard it said they liked it and still do.  Problem was, the vinyl pressings sent to the BBC were faulty and skipped, so no one dare play it.  Consequentially at that time no one got to hear it.

I wrote, arranged, sang and produced it.  Some people say it’s a bit like a Beatles song sung by David Bowie. (Others say it sounds like a group of idiots clubbing an angry bear with guitars).  Anyway it’s Down & Dirty.  Bit like me.  You can listen to it on You tube here.